Lynx rufus
A bobcat's snarl or growl sounds so fearsome and deep. it seems like it is from a larger animal.

Bobcats are a wildcat that is found in North America. They are seen regularly in Native American mythology usually symbolizing greed, selfishness, and an outcast. You can see them all over though they can hide in one of their dens in their territory. The bobcat has one main den, and many smaller dens throughout. The main den will tend to be a cave, whereas one of the smaller ones could be an old tree stump or a rock pile.
Bobcats behavior is quite unique as they are crepuscular animals. They will come out of their dens three hours before or after dawn, and before sunset and almost midnight. They tend to walk as that is their preferred way to travel. They are a fast animal when they want to be but, they are good climbers and can even swim, like many big cat species.
The bobcat is the wildcat that is found in abundence in the United States.