Monday, July 13th

Planting flowers and other plants is a beautiful way to start helping the environment.
We recommend using a table cover such as the one in our video during all our crafts. This will protect your workspace. You can get this type of table cover in the party section of most department stores for a couple dollars.
Painting your flowerpot:
Use the acrylic paint to add a unique design to your pot
Let the paint dry
Starting your seeds:
Water your seed starter slowly until it expands to about 1.5 inches tall
Open the top layer of mesh on the seed starter
Make a hole in the middle of the starter
Plant 2-3 seeds and re-cover them with soil
Potting your plant:
Put a layer of small rocks at the bottom of your pot to help excess water drain
Fill the pot 3/4 of the way with soil
Add the seed starter in the center
Cover the starter with a light layer of soil and water it
Water and talk to your plant and give it plenty of sunlight as you watch it grow in the coming weeks
Clean up:
Clean up any mess from making your planting and painting.
Wipe down and remove the table cover.