Monday, June 22nd

Hi! I’m Avani. I’m so excited to move to Earth. I even have an Earth shirt! What about your alien?
We recommend using a table cover such as the one in our video during all our crafts. This will protect your workspace. You can get this type of table cover in the party section of most department stores for a couple dollars.
Making your alien:
Cut the paper towel roll (PTR) to your desired alien height.
Use the PTR to measure a height on the tissue paper (This will be the color of your alien before we add its clothes).
Cut a band of tissue paper with this height. To get a straight line, try folding the paper at the desired height.
Gently apply glue along the short edge of your tissue paper.
Place the PTR on the glue and roll the tissue paper until it covers the PTR.
Add another line of glue when you reach the other edge.
Cut off any excess tissue paper if its accidentally too tall.
Making its clothes (construction paper):
Pick 2 different colors: one for the shirt and one for the shorts.
Using the same cutting technique, cut out strips of each color (The shirt should be about 1.5 times the height of the shorts).
Apply these to your alien using the same technique we used for the tissue paper (Be sure to add the shorts first so the shirt can slightly overlap).
Personalize your alien:
Add facial features to the alien using the googly eyes and marker.
Add antennas or hair by using the hole punch to make holes and feeding pipe cleaners through them.
You can adjust the height of antennas or the length of hair by cutting the pipe cleaners.
Remember: Your alien can have a different number of antennas and eyes than ours. It is your alien!
Do not forget to give your alien a name and give its shirt a cool design!
Clean up:
Clean up any mess from making your alien.
Wipe down and remove the table cover.